The Real From Home: Quarantining Is Exhausting! And Ayesha Curry Join Us From Home!

On Thursday, April 30, on The Real From Home, each co-host brings Girl Chat from her home, during the current pandemic.

The ladies discuss the ways that quarantining at home can be exhausting.  Co-host Adrienne Houghton can’t stop yawning even though she works out every morning and co-host Tamera Mowry-Housley’s kids are wearing her out!

Has your grooming become less of a priority during the stay-at-home orders? Co-host Jeannie Mai confesses to recently social distancing herself from her razor and explains why it didn’t quite work out for her.

Then, actress, cook and author Ayesha Curry visits from her home to discuss her new lifestyle magazine Sweet July, how she and her family are holding up during the pandemic, and her feeling about the government not doing enough to help restaurants affected by the COVID-19 quarantine.

Later, actor Jessie T. Usher checks in from his house and tells all about how he and his girlfriend actress Tristin Mays are keeping things fresh in their relationship while quarantining separately and talks about his new Netflix show Dangerous Lies. 

Quarantining is Tiresome! 

Tamera Mowry-Housley: Have you been feeling a little bit more lazy during this lockdown?

Adrienne Houghton: Yo! I’m not being funny, I don’t know if it’s this format that’s showing it more… I can’t stop yawning!

Tamera: Really? (Laughs)

Adrienne: Yo. Please watch the show, I’m trying everything I can. I’m yawning every three seconds and I, literally– if you watch the show, my neck is like… (pretends to yawn with her mouth closed)

Amanda Seales: Me, too. Yep.

Adrienne: I can’t stop yawning!

Amanda: I’m trying to hide it. (pretends to yawn with her mouth closed)

(Loni Love plays laugh track)

Tamera: Really? Well, I did see it the first time.

Adrienne: Oh my God! It’s so hard! It’s not that what you guys are saying is boring! I’m all in the convo. But, I can’t stop yawning!

(Loni plays laugh track)

Adrienne: No disrespect to you guys! What is this?

Amanda: No, but I think it’s also that you just in the house– that’s why they just– they always say to try and find other places to work outside your house.

Loni Love: That. That part.

Amanda: Because, you know, the home is for rest. (Chuckles) So, when you’re here, like you’re kinda in a restful mode and then you’re expected to turn on. I try and do things like, you know, okay, I’m gonna take a shower and hit the ground running. I’ll try to do something in the morning, like, I’ll try and clean when I get up, or I’ll go run, or I try not to just…

Adrienne: I’ve been working out every morning. It’s not helping.

Amanda: You have been! Maybe that’s what’s making you tired!

Loni: It’s the opposite for me which makes me feel that I wasn’t living my life right. ‘Cause now I’m eating much better ‘cause I’m cooking my own food.

Jeannie Mai: Me, too!

Loni: I have to go out and walk. I set myself a schedule. I make my bed. I have energy like never before!

Amanda: You make your bed. (Laughs)

Loni: I do! I make my bed now!

Amanda: You wasn’t makin’ your bed before, Loni?

(Loni shakes her head)

Tamera: I was about to say, Loni I’m with you. I’m with you. I actually have more energy than I did before because I’m eating all my meals at home. I’m actually working out every single day. So, I’m not exhausted because of the quarantine, I’m exhausted because of my kids. You know, the twenty four hour parenting.

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